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Bycatch crisis: millions of tonnes of marine life slaughtered ‘accidentally’
Bycatch is not an accident; it’s a catastrophe. At least 38 million tonnes of marine life killed each year by accident
is a staggering figure, likely underestimated, that represents an oceanic massacre of unimaginable scale. Remember, the global fishing industry receives $35 billion in subsidies annually. This is government-funded ocean destruction.
Whales are vital to planet ocean, so why are four countries so committed to their slaughter?
Fin whales are second only to gargantuan blue whales, they are some of the largest animals in the world. They were also one of the first cetacean species to be added to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)’s Red List of Threatened Species, where they are classed as vulnerable to extinction. And this year, in Iceland’s waters, 128 of them will be shot and killed with explosive harpoons.
New studies suggest, once and for all, that fish do feel pain
For some of us, the answer to the question if fish feel pain is an obvious yes. But alas, not everyone agrees. And in a world where at least a trillion fish are killed for human consumption each year, this question matters.
Phil Halper, lead researcher on the issue explains that fish have pain receptors and debunks the myths of fish pain sceptics. Fish really do feel pain. They do suffer.